

to the homepage of Swedish composer, arranger and orchestrator Daniel Fjellström.

On this page you can find information about me and my work.

Contact me:

daniel.fjellstrom (at) gmail.com

About me

Daniel Fjellström, born in 1983, is a Swedish composer and arranger based in Lund. Since 2011, he has been active in the contemporary music scene, with his works performed by several prominent ensembles, including the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra, Malmö Symphony Orchestra, Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, BBC Singers, and Malmö Opera.

Fjellström completed his Master of Fine Arts in music with a focus on arranging, composition, and film music at the Malmö Academy of Music in 2011. He also holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in music, with a major in cello.

His artistic output is diverse and spans multiple genres, with a particular focus on opera, chamber music, and theatre music. Among his most notable works is Den försvunna trädgårdsfesten (2024), commissioned by the Lund Chamber Soloists for a world premiere at the Skissernas Museum in Lund, and the cantata Hör barnets röst (2022), which premiered at Malmö Sommarscen.

Fjellström has also composed several acclaimed chamber operas, including Jag vet inte vem jag är och jag älskar det (2021) and Kom inte hit! (2018), both commissioned by the opera company Man Must Sing.

His opera Tusen och en natt (2013), commissioned by Malmö Opera, gained significant attention and was nominated for the Young Audiences Music Award in 2016. He has also written a number of orchestral works, including Quiet Arcs/Pulsating Surfaces (2012), which won the Uppsala Composer Competition and has since been performed by several orchestras both nationally and internationally.

For his artistic work, Daniel Fjellström has received several prestigious awards, including the Royal Swedish Academy of Music’s Bernadotte Scholarship in 2024, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s Work Grant in 2022, and a STIM Scholarship in 2020.

(Swedish version)

Daniel Fjellström, född 1983, är en svensk tonsättare och arrangör baserad i Lund. Sedan 2011 har han varit verksam inom den samtida musikscenen, där hans verk har framförts av en rad framstående ensembler, däribland Göteborgs Symfoniker, Malmö Symfoniorkester, Eric Ericsons Kammarkör, BBC Singers och Malmö Opera.

Fjellström avlade 2011 en konstnärlig masterexamen med inriktning på arrangering, komposition och filmmusik vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö, och han innehar även en konstnärlig kandidatexamen i musik med violoncell som huvudämne. 

Hans konstnärliga produktion är mångsidig och rör sig mellan olika genrer, med särskilt fokus på opera, kammar- och teatermusik. Bland hans mest framstående verk finns föreställningen Den försvunna trädgårdsfesten (2024), beställd av Lunds kammarsolister för uruppförande på Skissernas Museum i Lund, och kantaten Hör barnets röst (2022), som uruppfördes på Malmö Sommarscen.

Fjellström har också komponerat flera uppmärksammade kammaroperor, bland annat Jag vet inte vem jag är och jag älskar det (2021) och Kom inte hit! (2018), båda beställda av operakompaniet Man Must Sing.

Hans opera Tusen och en natt (2013), som beställdes av Malmö Opera, fick stor uppmärksamhet och nominerades till Young Audiences Music Award 2016. Han har även skrivit ett flertal orkesterverk, däribland Quiet arcs/Pulsating surfaces (2012), som vann Uppsala tonsättartävling och sedan dess har framförts av flera orkestrar både nationellt och internationellt.

För sitt konstnärliga arbete har Daniel Fjellström mottagit flera prestigefyllda stipendier, bland annat Kungl. Musikaliska Akademiens Bernadottestipendium 2024, Konstnärsnämndens arbetsstipendium 2022 och STIM-stipendium 2020.

Highlighted works

Quiet Arcs/Pulsating Surfaces

for orchestra

The winner of the Uppsala Composition Prize in 2012 has been performed by numerous Swedish orchestras, and also internationally. The piece has a duration of approximately 10 minutes and was premiered on February 23, 2012, at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress in Sweden, with the Uppsala Chamber Orchestra conducted by Paul Mägi.

The jury's motivation was: "In vibrating arcs, the composer builds music with beauty, austerity, and above all, great sonority."

Score and parts are available through Svensk Musik: https://www.svenskmusik.org/sv/verk/quiet-arcspulsating-surfaces-94908

Det går an

Opera in two acts

Based on Carl Jonas Love Almqvist's novel with a libretto by Maria Sundqvist, the opera was a commission from the Läckö Castle Foundation and the Operaverkstan at Malmö Opera. It premiered in July 2016 at Läckö Castle and was also performed at Kulturen in Lund in August 2016. A chamber version of the work, was restaged at Malmö Opera in 2021.

Score and parts are available through Svensk Musik: https://www.svenskmusik.org/sv/verk/det-gar-an-opera-i-tva-akter-100699

Listen to an excerpt (Alberts aria from end of first act). Baritone Carl Ackerfeldt is the soloist, and the orchestra is conducted by Simon Phipps.

Suite for piano quartet


The composition, featuring an ensemble of violin, keyed fiddle (or viola), cello, and piano, has a duration of approximately 24 minutes. It was commissioned by the Lövstabruks Kammarsolister and premiered on July 8, 2022, at Orangeriet in Lövstabruk, Tierp, Sweden. The performers at the world premiere included Johan Dalene on violin, Hedda Heiskanen on keyed fiddle, Daniel Thorell on cello, and Thomas Rudberg on piano.

Score and parts are available here: https://www.skellton.com/produkt/fjellstrom-daniel-lovstabruk/

Work in progress

Det finns (inga) ord

Semi-staged work, collaboration with playwright Vanja Hamidi Isacson

Premiere 2025 (TBC)

Viajes - suite for key fiddle and bandoneon

Commissioned by Duo Sisuplatense, Malmö, Sweden

Premiere May 2025

New work for stage

World premiere 2026

